Southwest Jr High School Addition and New Fieldhouse

Springdale_Junior_Senior_High_School_Field_House_Mountain_Mechanical_Arkansas featured

This 182,000 square foot S.T.E.M. based school was built for the Springdale Public School System. The mechanical system utilized roof top DX cooling, natural gas heat with multiple electric re-heat VAV zones. The system consisted of 78 total package roof top units with 4 being Variable Air Volume (VAVs) roof top units, all moving a total of 264,650 cubic feet per minute (cfm) of air serving classroom areas, staff offices, gymnasium, kitchen, media center and common areas.

Daily operation is supported with 213 plumbing fixtures including:

  • restrooms for each classroom
  • boys andgirls’ restrooms in all common areas
  • staff restrooms in administrative areas
  • full-service kitchen

Owner:  Springdale Public School
Construction Manager: Baldwin & Shell
Mechanical Engineer: Engineering Services, Inc.